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Corporate Clothing Solution

The partner for your corporate clothing, workwear and merchandising needs

From concept, design, procurement and warehousing to global
distribution and customer e-shop operation

of your company's image
You can learn much from carefully evaluating your current practices. We have developed a short self-assessment test in the form of a card game. You will be amazed by how much information this game can uncover.
Have fun learning about your company's image!
Please send me the free self-assessment game →
Satisfied customers
from SMEs to multinationals
Our customers include names such as Züger Frischkäse, Sika, Schweiz Tourismus, Appenzeller Käse and Graubünden Ferien. We outfit every one of their 80,000-plus employees worldwide. And with our solid processes, we can professionally outfit and supply your employees and customers, too.
made easy
ZugSeil's state-of-the-art web-based software is the brain behind the order process. This is a highly intuitive application that any of your employees can use without much training. It enables the simple fulfilment of your requirements and the efficient, lean and cost-effective administration of your purchasing and material management processes.

On the order platform, you can manage data such as employee clothing sizes, place individual or bulk orders and check your budget limits. Thanks to the MRP lists, you can minimize inventories to achieve significant cost savings.